How to lose 10 kg of weight

How to lose 10 kg of weight

When the bodyweight exceeds the medical norm by more than 10 kg, the problem goes beyond the situation of "a little fat over the holidays". Depending on your height and build characteristics, an additional ten kilograms adds 2-3 sizes of clothing. It is impossible not to notice such changes. Not only because weight gain affects the joints and heart, but also because the usual belt of trousers cuts painfully into the stomach.

How to lose 10 kg of weight

To figure out how to lose 10 kg of weight, first, you need to find out the reasons for weight gain. The figure often changes under the influence of a sedentary lifestyle, stress, unbalanced nutrition, and bad habits. However, the causes of changes can also be diseases of the endocrine system, tumors, and chronic diseases of internal organs. Therefore, it is never superfluous to consult a doctor, exclude medical reasons for gaining body weight. You should be especially careful in such cases:
  • You gained 10 kg in a short period: 1-2 months.
  • Weight gain is accompanied by increased fatigue, irritability, and nervousness.
  • In addition to excess body weight, there are complaints of unusual rashes on the skin or its dryness, the appearance of hair where they did not exist before, in women-menstrual disorders.
  • Excess weight appeared immediately after a serious illness, infection, or prescription drug therapy.

Why do we recommend excluding medical reasons for gaining body weight? Because an increase in weight by ten kilograms is associated with taking medications or disease, none of the ways to lose weight will be effective. First, you need to fix the cause of the problem, and only then the consequences. Fortunately or unfortunately, most often the reason for the appearance of excess pounds is a lifestyle and an unhealthy diet.

How to calculate your weight limit

First, let's find out if you need to lose weight. The fashion for thinness has led to the fact that even people who have no more than two excess kilograms, or even not one, sometimes dream of losing 10 kg, just the figure does not seem ideal. While the bodyweight below the medical norm creates no fewer risks than being overweight. In order not to harm yourself in the pursuit of beauty, before losing weight, calculate your body mass index. There is a simple formula for this:

BMI = body weight in kilograms ÷ (height in meters squared)

For example, the girl's height is 168 cm, and her weight is 75 kg. To calculate the body mass index, you need 75 kg divided by the root of 1.68 m. We get approximately 26.6 kg/m2. It turns out that the BMI is 26.6. the Medical norm of BMI is within the range of 18.5 and 24.99. That is, there are really excess kilograms. But does this mean that the girl is obese? Not at all: obesity is diagnosed when the BMI exceeds 30 kg/m2.

Let's imagine that a girl wants to lose weight by 10 kg. The desired weight is 65 kg. If she reaches the goal, her BMI will change: 65 ÷ (1,68 × 1,68) = 23. That is, the body mass index will remain within the normal range, without crossing the line beyond which slimness turns into a weight deficit. But another situation is also possible: the girl weighs 55 kg with a height of 1.68 m. Her BMI is 19.5, but under the influence of fashion, she wants to lose another 10 kg. With a weight of 45 kg, her BMI will be 15.9, which is much lower than normal. Values less than 16 reflect a pronounced body weight deficit, which creates many serious health risks, one of which is kidney failure. Therefore, in this case, even if the figure seems far from ideal, it is better to improve it by other methods or to lose no more than 2-3 kg.

Of course, the body mass index is not a completely accurate criterion, since it does not take into account the features of the complexion. For example, some people have heavier bones, while others have lighter ones. Accordingly, at the same height and BMI values, one person will look frail, the other will look a little overweight. With caution, it is necessary to apply this medical criterion to professional athletes with developed muscles, since their weight gain occurs not at the expense of fat, but at the expense of muscle tissue. However, do not try to achieve a weight below the medical norm, as this can be even more dangerous to health than being obese.

The safe weight loss rate

People tend to strive for quick results, so men and women often want to lose 10 kg in a month. This is possible, but with reservations. The fact is that it is harmful to our body to gain and lose weight quickly, so rapid loss of body weight is associated with risks. The body needs time to adjust to the changes. Do not underestimate the problems associated with losing weight too quickly: coping with the consequences can be very, very difficult.

Doctors insist that the safe rate of weight loss is 0.5-2 kg per week. Don't try to lose weight faster! The smallest difficulty that can appear as a result of the race for minus ten kilograms per month is a stretched skin: only a plastic surgeon can tighten it. It will be much more difficult to cure a disturbed metabolism due to such weight loss.

Accordingly, the minimum time for losing weight by 10 kg in 5 weeks. You can slow down, but faster is highly undesirable, and if there is such a need, you need to reduce your body weight under the supervision of an endocrinologist. If you are overweight, it is never superfluous to consult an endocrinologist, because BMI above the norm can be both the cause and consequence of health problems. For example, increasing body weight creates a risk of insulin resistance, and insulin resistance leads to weight gain. Yes, it's a vicious circle.

Insulin resistance is a condition when the tissues do not perceive insulin, and at normal levels of insulin and blood sugar, the body does not receive glucose. This causes a strong, irresistible feeling of hunger, an increase in sugar levels, and in the future can cause diabetes. Without laboratory tests, it is impossible to diagnose this condition, and after all, with proper therapy, it is quickly corrected. And it may turn out that after consulting a doctor, you will not have to decide how to lose 10 kg of weight, because the weight will go away without dieting.

What you need to do before losing 10 kg of weight

  • Calculate the actual and optimal body mass index and make sure that you really need to lose 10 kg of weight.
  • Consult with a good therapist and endocrinologist, make sure that weight gain is not associated with health problems.
  • Make a diary of your sleep, nutrition, bad habits, and physical activity.

You will have to adjust your own lifestyle, and first, you need to find out the actual state of Affairs. Often people think that they eat little, move enough, and lack of sleep is an exception to the rule. Do not rely on feelings and impressions, note the number of hours of sleep, meal times and menus, the frequency of physical activity, Smoking, and alcohol consumption. So after a month, you get a clear picture of how to balance your diet and improve your lifestyle to lose weight easily and effectively.

Why you can not lose 10 kg in 7 days

There are many online tips on how to lose weight in a week without sports. As a rule, advisers offer miracle diets, promising that with their help you will fit into your favorite dress or jeans in 7 days. However, it is important to understand that this is deception or self-deception because even if you completely stop eating, it is physically impossible to lose 10 kg in a week. If you somehow manage to do this, urgently seek medical help: there is an acute disease or pathology that destroys the body.

What happens when you try to lose 10 kg of weight in a week? To begin with, it is worth saying that the first thing that "leaves" the body is not adipose tissue, but fluid. It can be up to 3 kg in weight. Dehydration explains the "miraculous" effect of some diets: due to the loss of fluid, the figure on the scales immediately decreases by 2-3 kg, and it seems that the restriction of the diet works. However, this is an illusion. On a strict diet, you will see such signs of exhaustion:
  • nausea;
  • vertigo and fainting spells;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • constant fatigue and rapid fatigue;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • digestive and stool disorders.

If you try to "tighten" the severe diet for a month, of course, you will lose weight. But the work of the stomach, liver, and kidneys will also be disrupted, the nervous system will suffer, possibly the heart and blood vessels. Let's say, with the help of the strictest diet, you will lose 10 kg faster than in a month. This is a huge stress for the body, which it will respond to in the future... by building up adipose tissue. And if before the diet you weighed, for example, 75 kg, six months after stopping the diet, the scales will show 85-90 kg.

Another mistake that is often made in the pursuit of a thin waist is overtraining. This is a condition when the body does not have time to recover from physical exertion, so its resources begin to Deplete. Overtraining is familiar to many people who are engaged in running, swimming, and weight training. It makes itself felt by drowsiness after exertion, a rapid pulse during activity, and lack of athletic progress, as well as low immunity.

The easiest way to get yourself overtrained is to train a lot and rest a little. This is often done by people who want to lose weight. Bring yourself to exhaustion can also be at home, you do not need to go to the gym. To do this, you can exercise every day, without changing the activity and without pausing. So you can really lose weight by 10 kg, it is possible that even in a month. But you won't be able to hold the result. Constant exhaustion is life-threatening, and once the body recovers, it will respond to long-term stress by gaining weight.

Now that you know what not to do, it's time to tell you how to lose 10 kg of weight correctly.

Why sleep is important

Full rest is an indispensable condition for healthy weight loss. The modern lifestyle does not always allow you to sleep for 8 hours every day, but if you want to lose 10 kg in a month or two, it is critically important to sleep at least 6 hours. Ideally-8 hours every night. The time of falling asleep also matters: you should not go to bed on the same day as you Wake up.

Lack of sleep slows down the metabolism, increases the feeling of hunger, and depletes the body's resources. Also, you should move, engage in physical activity, and before and after it, you need to rest well. Otherwise, it won't do any good.

How to train properly

The recipe for losing weight by 10 kg is simple: 

  • spend more energy than you consume with food. 
  • Choose a physical activity that you like (or at least find least unpleasant) and work out at least 3 times a week.
  •  The main thing is not the type of physical activity, but the regularity and alternation of activity with rest.

 You lose weight not when you train, but when you rest!

Running 3 km three times a week is better than running 20 km once a month. To lose 10 kg of weight, you need to make exercise an organic part of life. Run if you don't like gyms. Swim if you don't like running. Walk for an hour on foot, do home exercises – choose for yourself the type of load that you can do for a long time and regularly.

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A balanced diet for weight loss of 10 kg

To normalize weight, you need not a debilitating diet, but a proper, healthy diet. Some products will have to be completely discarded or their number on the menu will have to be reduced to a minimum. The blacklist includes alcohol, carbonated drinks, sweet drinks like "Cola", muffins, sweets, mayonnaise, sausage, and sausages. The basis of daily nutrition should be cereals, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat poultry meat.

It is important that the menu is varied, and the daily number of calories is less than the amount of energy that you spend on movement. The easiest way to lose 10 kg of weight without dieting is to use the delivery service of ready-made food from LetBeFit. We offer a delicious, varied, and healthy menu for a week with a dosed number of calories. You will not have to count them yourself, our chefs will do it. At the same time, thanks to mouth-watering dishes and original recipes, you will not be tempted to go to McDonald's in the evening for a hamburger.
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