The harm of diets to the body

The harm of diets to the body

To have a slim and fit body, both women and men, and even teenagers often resort to fashionable diets. The desire to weight loss for our own wedding, graduation, or vacation is natural - we all want to look perfect at one of the most important moments of our lives. Moreover, the Internet is replete with recommendations on how to lose those extra pounds in five, ten, or thirty days. But most of the resources are silent about the dangers of diets and the associated health hazards.

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What happens to the body during a diet

There are many types of diets: Kremlin, Japanese, kefir, mono-food, etc. In most cases, they imply a sharp reduction in the amount of food consumed, as well as the complete exclusion of certain foods. If you cut your usual portion by more than 20%, the body will perceive this as stress. And during stress, the hormone cortisol is released into the bloodstream.

Cortisol affects the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. This hormone breaks down protein molecules, increases sugar levels, and also provokes the formation of adipose tissue. That is why extra pounds always return after a person switches to their usual diet. But due to the stress suffered, the human body triggers the mechanism of more intense mass gain than before the diet.

In addition, abrupt hormonal surges do not have the best effect on our metabolism. Therefore, one of the dangers of diets is metabolic disorders. This can lead to various consequences: from being overweight to serious disorders that require long-term drug treatment.

The harm of a low-carb (no-carb) diet

It is also called the protein, Kremlin, or Atkins diet. Perhaps, today this is almost the most popular way to lose weight. The essence of the method is that you need to almost completely eliminate any carbohydrates. But proteins and fats can be consumed without restrictions. There are also variations that require you to eat only low-fat cottage cheese and lean meat.

Such a carbohydrate-free diet works as follows:
  •  when there is a shortage of glucose.
  •  the body itself begins to synthesize it.
  •  breaking down fat reserves. 

But such a condition is already a metabolic disorder, which will subsequently have to be treated. The main disadvantages of this diet:

  • an abundance of protein foods overloads the kidneys, which can provoke their dysfunction;
  • the digestive system cannot cope with a large amount of protein, rotting and fermentation may begin in the digestive tract;
  • due to the abundant production of ammonia, a characteristic unpleasant odor is constantly felt from a person's mouth.
The insidiousness and harm of diets that exclude carbohydrates are also in the fact that many of their adherents appeal to the recommendations of doctors. Indeed, with metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, and other similar diseases, endocrinologists recommend limiting the consumption of sugar and other carbohydrates. In such cases, the person already has a disorder that requires urgent treatment and a special diet.

The other extreme is the keto diet, designed specifically for epileptics. In this diet, the body is constantly in a state of ketosis due to the exclusion of both carbohydrates and proteins. The keta diet was originally created for patients with serious disorders; it is not suitable for a healthy body.

Fat-free diet

In contrast to the previous approach, this diet completely eliminates fat. Some recommend removing only harmful animal fats from the diet, while others, including vegetable fats. Why is this diet dangerous and what harm?

  • Fats are a source of vitamins, therefore, with this method of nutrition, the body is threatened with hypovitaminosis.
  • Lipids are needed for the normal functioning of the reproductive and hormonal systems, with a lack of them, there is a great danger of hormonal disorders.
  • Vegetable fat is a source of "slow" carbohydrates that help maintain stable blood sugar levels.
The harm of a diet that excludes lipids manifests itself quite quickly: in a person, hair and nails become dull, brittle, and there is a lack of essential vitamins. If the elimination of fats becomes a dietary habit, the risk of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases increases over time, and there may also be a violation of the production of sex hormones. As a result - hirsutism, malfunction of the ovaries, infertility.

Single product diets

Most often we are talking about cereals. Other options are to eat only cottage cheese, only fruits, only raw foods, etc. One of the variations is a drinking diet when you can eat liquid and semi-liquid foods: for example, tea, juices, milk, kefir, cream soups. This method of losing weight is considered one of the most effective because almost from the first day, the weight decreases sharply.

But you shouldn't be happy about this - first of all, water leaves the body. The same thing happens with a salt-free diet. Fast weight loss occurs due to fluid, adipose tissue is still in place. The harm from constant sitting on porridge or yogurt is obvious:

  • the digestive system is experiencing an unusual load, which can provoke its disorder;
  • a lack of salt and trace elements will very quickly adversely affect the work of the heart and other organs;
  • fluid deficiency is severe stress, to which the body will react with a new portion of cortisol.

The harm of any diet: salt-free, drinking, kefir

Of course, when the restriction of certain foods is necessary according to the testimony of doctors, it is better to adhere to the recommended diet. Medical prescriptions are designed to permanently change your eating habits. And all the restrictions are related to helping the patient avoid serious conditions such as acidosis or hyperglycemia, but not helping to fit into his favorite dress.

The main harm of diets that involve extreme dietary restrictions is that they cannot become a full-fledged habit. You cannot constantly live without vitamins, proteins, or a thousand calories a day while doing sports. This will lead to exhaustion. In addition, after returning to the usual diet, the weight will return, and in 80% of cases - even with excess. The next diet will no longer be as effective, while the hard-lost pounds will return double the size. All this is a natural reaction of our body to stress.

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Healthy diet for weight loss

And yet there are safe diets. In order not to harm yourself, you need to review your eating habits and change them. Not for five days or a month, but for a long time. Eating a healthy diet will help you stay fit without any extra effort. A balanced and healthy meal can be delicious and nutritious. With a properly formulated diet, you will not experience deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients.

One of the dangers of diets is the high risk of breakdown due to the fact that the food is too bland and monotonous. The way out is a ready-made menu from LetBeFit. The best nutritionists are working on the preparation of an optimal diet. The food is not only natural and healthy but also delicious. In addition, you do not need to constantly count calories on a calculator - experts have already done everything for you.
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