what to eat in the morning to weight loss ?

The right Breakfast, or what to eat in the morning to lose weight?

 weight loss , losing pounds without a trace, can only be done with the correct organization of the diet. The balance of calories and nutrients gives energy and a feeling of satiety throughout the day helps not to go beyond the energy value of the diet. It is possible and necessary to reduce weight without exhausting and exhausting diets, eating well and tasty.

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Eating at the beginning of the day "starts" the metabolism and activates the body's work for the whole day. A lot of digestive enzymes are produced only in the period from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning, so you can not neglect a full Breakfast — the enzymes will simply "burn out". Professional nutritionists, nutritionists, and fitness instructors recommend "putting" in the morning meal 25% of the energy value of all food for the day. What foods should Express it, and why is it so important to train yourself to eat Breakfast?

weight loss , losing pounds without a trace, can only be done with the correct organization of the diet. The balance of calories and nutrients gives energy and a feeling of satiety throughout the day helps not to go beyond the energy value of the diet. It is possible and necessary to reduce weight without exhausting and exhausting diets, eating well and tasty.

Eating at the beginning of the day "starts" the metabolism and activates the body's work for the whole day. A lot of digestive enzymes are produced only in the period from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning, so you can not neglect a full Breakfast — the enzymes will simply "burn out". Professional nutritionists, nutritionists, and fitness instructors recommend "putting" in the morning meal 25% of the energy value of all food for the day. What foods should Express it, and why is it so important to train yourself to eat Breakfast?

Why you need Breakfast

It is necessary to have Breakfast at any meal regime, and when losing weight-even more so. The first meal will give you enough energy to feel full before a full meal and not be tempted by a harmful snack with "empty" calories. Even if there is no feeling of hunger in the morning, the body needs food to make up for the calories spent from the evening. The energy received at Breakfast supports the immune system, the work of internal organs accelerates metabolic processes and reduces appetite, helping to regulate the amount of food at lunch and dinner.

Eating early (before 9 a.m.) improves memory, cognition, and concentration — just what you need for work. Also a properly organized Breakfast:

  • eliminates apathy, irritability, improves mood by replenishing energy reserves;
  • activates digestion, feeding the brain and muscles;
  • increases working capacity and clarity of thought during the day. Breakfast does not allow the metabolism to slow down, and the feeling of hunger to distract from business;
  • reduces the risk of diseases. Doctors confidently talk about the benefits of Breakfast for leveling cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart attacks, vascular problems, and seasonal colds.

If you skip Breakfast, the break in the intake of food in the stomach will be from 12 hours. This is a direct signal to the body to go into energy-saving mode. The "primitive" parts of the brain that are responsible for survival in extreme conditions will slow down the metabolism. All the food received during the day, even if its caloric content is limited, will go into fat reserves, and not be used up. This is the most common cause of weight gain and the appearance of a" plateau " during weight loss.

Without Breakfast, hunger will come earlier and will be stronger, and because of uneven energy intake, metabolic processes will be disrupted. Without morning energy, the body will not be able to work in a normal mode, the ability to work will decrease and the mood will deteriorate. After overeating at dinner due to hunger, the person will be lethargic and apathetic until the evening.

What should be the right Breakfast?

The benefits of Breakfast appear only when it is properly organized. When we  weight loss , we reduce the energy value of food to 1200-1600 kcal per day. On the morning meal account for up to 400 calories, but what are they expressed in? Having received calories from a sweet coffee with cream or a few chocolates, you can not count on satiety before lunch and feeling good.

A proper Breakfast involves a balance of BZHU (classic — a third of protein, two-thirds of carbohydrates and one-fifth of fat) and nutrition, the volume of food. In order not to cause drowsiness, it should be low — fat, light, and not provoke bloating-cabbage and similar products should be abandoned. The optimal volume and caloric content of food should be sufficient to leave a small feeling of hunger.

A few more recommendations for organizing Breakfast:

  • before eating, a glass of water at room temperature is useful, half an hour before Breakfast;
  • the best time to eat is from 7 to 9 in the morning, no later than 30 to 40 minutes after waking up;
  • Breakfast at the same time every morning is the optimal start to the day;
  • if there is no appetite in the morning, it is increased gradually, stimulated with the help of beautiful dishes, morning exercises, favorite foods (useful), increasing the caloric content gradually;
  • it is necessary to eat slowly, without being distracted by gadgets, without swallowing hot food, so as not to burn the mouth, larynx, and stomach lining;
  • roasting and grilling are not the best ways to prepare Breakfast;
  • drinks should also be healthy. Green tea, coffee, or kefir (after eating), low-fat smoothies will do.

What's good for Breakfast?

Breakfast should contain complex carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. They give energy, a feeling of satiety without heaviness in the stomach. The best food in the morning is porridge. Oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, corn, and other cereals are sources of" slow " carbohydrates, so important for effective weight loss. They are easy to prepare so that the dish will be delicious and beautiful.

Cereals are a lot, so they alternate, getting all the important nutrients. Oatmeal-porridge without contraindications, which is completely and easily digested, stimulates digestion. Millet groats are rich in amino acids, help to get rid of fat "depots", perfectly combined with milk, pumpkin, nuts. Buckwheat is a "fountain" of trace elements, including rare ones. Raw brown rice is low in calories, cleanses the body, and pearl barley, rich in phosphorus, helps digestion, and stimulates the work of the heart and blood vessels (to speed up the preparation of porridge, you can soak the cereals in advance).

Carbohydrates will fill the body and whole-grain, bran bread. Protein at Breakfast should be obtained from eggs, lean fish, and meat — for example, boiled chicken breast. From cheese and fermented dairy products, the body will receive calcium, from fresh vegetables and fruits-vitamins and"cheerfulness". Nuts will benefit (little by little, they are very high in calories), olive oil, honey, if you are not allergic to it.

Foods not recommended for Breakfast

In the morning, the body will be harmed by "fast" carbohydrates in foods that are immediately digested, increase sugar levels, and cause hunger after a couple of hours. These are salty crackers and chips, sweets, and sausage products. Nutritionists call juice from bags, white bread, "store-bought" muesli, and cereals questionable for the morning, although they are delicious.

It is worth giving up in the morning and useful bananas and citrus. The first contain excess sugar and magnesium (it is harmful in the morning), the second, eaten on an empty stomach, can provoke gastritis and ulcers. Of course, useful cottage cheese in most food regimes is left for the second half of the day (the exception is a diet rich in protein). "Empty" porridge on the water is also not suitable, their caloric content is insufficient. So that the feeling of hunger does not come after two hours, they add honey, nuts, berries, a little jam.

To reduce weight from Breakfast exclude:

  • smoked products, sausages, fat meat;
  • industrial yogurts with excess sugar and dyes;
  • spices, fat sauces, mayonnaise;
  • canned food and pickles;
  • macaroni, pies and other pastry products, sweet pastries;
  • soda, energy drinks, alcohol;
  • fast food and sweet coffee drinks with syrups, topping, and cream.

What are healthy breakfasts like

Healthy and delicious meals are easy to choose for any diet regime with a calorie restriction. According to the balance of nutrients and the type of products, they can be protein, carbohydrate, combined, and special (for vegetarians, children, people with impaired metabolism).

Protein breakfasts

Protein breakfasts are shown to people who work hard physically, "build" muscles, and want to keep active for the whole day. On a diet with a predominance of proteins, men easily lose weight, and they need more calories than girls. Breakfast classics are eggs cooked whole or in the form of scrambled eggs/omelet with greens and vegetables. The right portion of carbohydrates and vitamins will provide a slice of wholegrain bread, vegetable salad. A sandwich with omelet and greens or a curd casserole will diversify your meal.

Carbohydrate breakfasts

Carbohydrates are chosen "slow", complex. For fruitful mental activity, porridge on the water with the addition of useful fillers — dried fruits, cinnamon, nuts, cranberries, currants, baked apples, and so on is suitable. Wholegrain or buckwheat pancakes with berries, a sandwich or pita bread with healthy fillings diversify the diet.

Protein-carbohydrate breakfasts

Protein-carbohydrate dishes on PP contain iron, phosphorus, folic acid (especially necessary for women), selenium, and other micro - and macronutrients. For Breakfast with a low-fat content in different proportions and types of combined cottage cheese, cereals, eggs, bran and whole-grain bread, vegetables, and fruits that do not irritate the stomach lining.

Low-calorie breakfasts

The energy value of Breakfast is reduced by using dishes that contain fewer calories but fully saturate. This:

  • porridge on water, especially oatmeal;
  • lean fish and meat — cod, walleye, chicken, Turkey;
  • eggs — an egg-white omelet, poached, scrambled eggs with herbs;
  • cottage cheese with fruit and berries;
  • salad with protein products and vegetables;
  • vegetable pancakes with a minimum of flour;
  • fruit salad with toast;
  • tofu, carrot cutlets, puddings, and so on.

It is important to remember:

When losing weight, it is very important to balance the BCAA of the entire daily diet and not just Breakfast. Proper nutrition in the morning is ineffective without controlling the nutrients for lunch and dinner. Therefore, low-calorie breakfasts are necessarily supplemented with thoughtful dishes of other meals. If you do not have the time and skills to prepare a menu for weight loss, or do not want to cook, the light diet developed by the experts of BeFit will help you to lose weight intensively and harmlessly.
A few delicious recipes for Breakfast or what to eat to lose weight
Easy, time-saving Breakfast recipes are varied. They are easy to alternate from day today, and the food will not get boring. Topping the list of Breakfast options for weight loss is porridge. Oatmeal on kefir can be prepared in the evening — a glass of cereals/flakes is filled with 500 ml of low-fat drink, and in the morning fillers are added to the finished dish to taste. Buckwheat is simply cooked — two parts of water or milk are added to one part of the cereal, the mixture is brought to a boil and languishes on low heat under the lid until ready (liquid evaporation). Delicious millet porridge with pumpkin is cooked by mixing half a kilo of chopped vegetables with 3 cups of milk, and after 15 minutes add a glass of millet. Cereals are cooked until thick and after readiness is infused under the lid for half an hour.

Recipes for other healthy and quick breakfasts:

  • scrambled eggs or omelets (for one egg a quarter of a glass of milk): they are complemented with cherry tomatoes, sliced green onions, boiled chicken breast, zucchini, sweet peppers, spinach, or tofu. Vegetables should preferably be stewed so that there is no excess liquid in the dish.
  • fruit salad with nuts from apples, pears, peaches, apricots, pomegranate, pineapple (if desired, filled with natural yogurt).
  • smoothies from strawberries, apples, kefir up to 2.5% with the addition of oat flakes, flax seeds, or Chia.
  • wholegrain sandwich or pita bread roll with hard cheese, vegetables, green salad, chicken or Turkey, natural yogurt, egg and cucumber, vegetable omelet, cottage cheese with avocado, and so on.
  • A delicious, energetically rich Breakfast without skipping meals is the way to lose weight and have a beautiful, healthy body. With him, you will feel great, and your mood will be at a high level.

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